ArtsGames Member Organizations

"Olympians and Artists for the Betterment of Humanity"

NAFs are being set up to provide arts organizations and entrepreneurs, with financial resources to support the ongoing efforts to raise the 
next generation of talent in your country.

We Know What you’ve done

At the IAC, we recognize that many educators, promoters, organizers, businesses and administrators dedicate their resources to sustain the Arts.

Your Expertise

Unlike in sports, the IAC’s national federations do not deal directly with talent but rather deal directly with the individuals behind the talent. We recognize and honour their expertise, understanding the constant struggle to find resources to support the work of producing the excellence that needs to be nurtured in your country.

To succeed requires a team effort, and as we build this platform, it is our intent to bring your expertise to a global stage.

What NAFs Do

NAFs do not compete with existing organizations but rather support ArtsGames member organizations in identifying sponsors and additional resources.

IAC’s negotiations with its global network of sponsors ensures NAFs benefit from these resources, which will be distributed according to need.

NAFs are tasked with making each discipline stronger by distributing funds and sponsorship to member arts organizations and entrepreneurs.

Opportunity for Growth

Stronger together, that is the motto of all NAFs. The ArtsGames Movement is a feeder system that aggregates existing organizations to present a much more attractive opportunity for sponsorship.

By building infrastructure together, National ArtsGames Federations are able to generate a sustainable and reliable source of revenues for each of its member organizations.

Supporting your development of talent

If you have landed on this page then, possibly, your organization has been the wind beneath the wings of some talented artist. Let the NAFs be the wind beneath yours.

We recognize that, just as artists come to you for opportunities, organizations and individuals who support the arts have limited resources to do what they do best.

It is our intention to provide added resources to members of the National ArtsGames Federation, which in turn will identify the talent that should represent your nation in global competitions

We will be asking for your guidance and consultation as we pull the world together one discipline at a time. Collaboration is key to a sustainable arts infrastructure.

Promoting Arts Organizations.

Investing in the Arts Orgs

One thing most arts organizations have in common is the continual quest to keep the lights on.

Governments in some countries are the sole source of revenues, in others it is a competition to attract sponsors and in others patrons and personal sacrifice are the main sources of funding.

EducationAL Orgs

At the IAC, we recognize the importance of education in nurturing artistic talents. Therefore, educational organizations will be included in our funding model.

Collaborating with Individuals

NAFs can not be all things to all people, but although it’s focus is on organization, IAC is aware that individuals in communities fuel local events. Membership will be available for individuals as well..

Supporting Competitions

The heart of the IAC is the ArtsGames – a nation vs. nation global competition, which occurs every 4 years. The ArtsGames event is collaborating with existing competitions to field talent for that event through the IAF World Championships in your artistic discipline.

Therefore, existing competitions are being given priority for membership and funding during the 1st stage of NAF activities.

Benefits of becoming a member of your National ArtsGames Federation (NAF)

The International ArtsGames Committee (IAC) provides financial support and promotions to its federations.

Collaborate with Other Countries

Your NAF is part of a global community that will be available to your organization to network with and build greater capacity for your organization.

Boost Your Exposure

The talent that you have nurtured is the biggest asset for any organization. Providing your best talent with a sustainable platform elevates your organization as a source of excellence.

If your organization works in one of the 29 ArtsGames disciplines, please send us a profile of your organization and we will be in touch.

The Roll-Out

Setting up

Our mission is to help support existing competitions, organizations, educators and individuals in your discipline.


A new model is needed to allow the Arts to finally realize its potential impact. NAFs will be contacting your organizations to consult with you and review the opportunity to build the infrastructure necessary for excellence to retake its place in society.


As we continue to develop and establish NAFs in your country, we will keep you informed and updated.

Artistic excellence is often overlooked when ability is usurped by “promote-ability.” As a member you will have the power and leverage to assist in changing that.

Help Shape the Future of the ArtsGames movement

By actively participating in this initiative, you are helping to shape the future of the ArtsGames movement and to demonstrate the excellence that exists in all cultures.

If your organization works in one of the 29 ArtsGames disciplines in the link above, please send us a profile of your organization by contacting us below, and we will be in touch.