Be Part of History

Why these Games?

The International ArtsGames™ Committe (IAC)’s  mission is to demonstrate excellence in all cultures. The world’s greatest artists will take home the gold, silver, and bronze medals in five disciplines: dance, music, media arts, visual arts and literature at the inaugural ArtsGames competitions. Artists qualify for the Games through IAC’s International ArtsGames Federations’ World Championships.

Today, few people remember that the Olympic Games awarded medals to artists through 1949. These competitions were eliminated to preserve the ‘amateur’ status of the Olympic Games.  The International ArtsGames Committee (IAC), founded by Olympians and Artists, has been building a similar infrastructure used in sport, to revive medaled arts competitions by 2029.

Host City

The International ArtsGames Committee (IAC) is reviewing cities to host the 2029 ArtsGames. One city is to become the inaugural city and take its place in history. The 2029 ArtsGames Host City will be promoted globally as a patron of excellence in arts and culture, through broadcasts, events, international programming, and online campaigns and a myriad of other activities that are implicit in multi-disciplinary competitions.

1,250 of the World’s best artists drawn from winners of World Championships, in 5 art forms; Music, Dance, Literature, Media Arts and Visual Arts, are to compete in your city in 2029.   The presence of so many artists competing in your city at one time provides robust opportunities for an increase in cultural tourism. (On average, cultural tourism provides a 30% increase in spending over standard tourism.)

The IAC is committed to leaving the inaugural Host City with a legacy, which continues beyond the closing Ceremonies. This Legacy is designed to sustain a measurable economic impact for years to come through programs. Some programs are listed below.  


A New Global Identity  

Receive global recognition as a city that advances cross-cultural understanding through excellence in the arts. As a Host City, you will be included in all promotional materials, videos, photos, press kits and marketing materials. The Host City also receives promotions in the Host City Tab on the ArtsGames website. This can generate a robust influx of cultural tourists. Choose which stories of the rich culture, heritage, and artistic legacy you wish to share with the world.

Increase Employment of local talent
Approximately 110 permanent and part time positions in production, event management, and other areas. 300 Volunteer positions will also contribute to the formation of future employment opportunities in other upcoming ArtsGames and World Championships.

Upscale visitors.

Benefit from culture tourism, with an increase of 30% over standard tourism. Cultural tourists book longer stays, spend more money and are better educated.

IAF – International ArtsGames Federation
Become the location for the development of an International ArtsGames Federation (IAF) in your country.  The IAF will continue to be the point of contact for every country in that discipline for  future  ArtsGames . Through having  permanent headquarters of the IAF,  your city could be known as the “Cultural Heart” of your country.

ROI – Ongoing revenue streams

1. Several revenue generating opportunities are being developed to ensure Host City Return on Investment.

2. Share in production/profits from footage focusing on positive stories about your city.

3. Host a national competition to create a promotional ArtsGames anthem/song and share in the profits of the media platforms.

4. Share in production/profits from inaugural pin sales [Note: Pins generated $151.4 million in revenues for the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.  Being the inaugural ArtsGames, these pins will be collectors/traders’ items for many years to come and their value will continue to increase].

5. Share in production/profits from inaugural sales of T-Shirts, Hats, Tote Bags .

6. Share in a % of Broadcast revenues.

7. Share in Ticket sales for competitions and live concerts.

8. Share in a negotiated percentage of ongoing revenues related to the 2029 ArtsGames .

9. Potential to establish a global HQ for one or more International ArtsGames Federations.

There are 30 disciplines, each developing international federations (like FIFA in sport)  

Your city may be eligible to establish one of the International ArtsGames Federation Headquarters as a sustainable legacy to the inaugural ArtsGames (like FIFA) for example; The International ArtGames Hip Hop Federation or Guitar, or Native People’s Dance etc.

Increased Visitations – Economic activity during low visitation season  

Increased volume in hospitality sectors (hotel rooms, restaurants, rental cars, flights, etc.) for all non-competing attendees.

Increased revenue streams in sales tax during the ArtsGames.

Promote your City on the ArtsGames website and during ArtsGames activities. 

The IAC develops and promotes your desired profile with stakeholders such as the City, State and Federal Tourism staff, to encourage travel to your city and country.

The IAC Production Unit is to produce your local stories for international distribution.

Host ongoing qualification rounds for future ArtsGames.

Work with the ArtsGames to sanction existing competitions throughout your country for national competitions.

Attract artists, judges and their families throughout the year for IAF competitions, events and qualifying rounds for the ArtsGames.

 First right of refusal to Host future ArtsGames Auditions

The ArtsGames Auditions are the final qualifying rounds for the ArtsGames.  The ArtsGames Auditions are lead-in qualifying rounds comprised of World Champions and Wild Card entries. This is a separate event, which can also be Hosted by your city. As the inaugural Host, you will be given first right of refusal to host the ArtsGames Auditions.

Capitalize on the cost savings of hosting Int’l Arts Competitions vs Int’l Sports Competitions

1. No Infrastructure Costs.

2. Robust usage of existing concert halls, exhibition facilities, outdoor venues and conference halls.

3. Revamping of existing structures in need of repair.

4. Guaranteed reusage of renovated infrastructures for decades to come.

5. Public engagement in cultural events is 5 times higher than engagement in sports.

6. Tourism continues well after the ArtsGames terminates as visitations continue throughout the country after any major Games event.

The information contained herein is the property of the International ArtsGames Committee (IAC) inc. Its contents should not be misconstrued for an offering of any kind and any usage of this document outside of its intended use, which is to inform potential Host Cities of the benefits of Hosting the ArtsGames is strictly prohibited without prior consent of the International ArtsGames Committee (IAC) inc.