IAC Global Commission

Global ArtsGames Commission (GAC)

The IAC Commissioner oversees the establishment of International ArtsGames Federations in different disciplines.

Selecting the Most Qualified IAFs

Working closely with the IAC Executive Board, the IAC Commission chooses the most qualified collaborators to launch International ArtsGames Federations (IAFs).

Adhering to the IAC Mission Statement

The IAC Commissioner ensures that all IAFs adhere to the mission statement of the International ArtsGames Committee – to demonstrate excellence in all cultures.

Promoting a Diverse and Outstanding Arts Community

Through their role, the IAC Commissioner promotes cross-cultural understanding and excellence in the arts community by showcasing the best of different cultures.

Establishing a Strong ArtsGames Movement

By selecting qualified IAFs, the IAC Commissioner plays a vital role in establishing a strong and impactful ArtsGames Movement.

Welcome to the Global ArtsGames Commission

The IAC’s Global ArtsGames Commission (GAC)

Commission Structure

The Commission is headed by GAC Commissioner Bonnie Dyer, a seasoned veteran of internationl arts competitions and judging.

The GAC is composed of five art form commissions; Dance, Literature, Music, Visual Arts and Media Arts.

Arts Form Commissioners report to the GAC Commissioner, providing governance of license agreements held by International ArtsGames Federations (IAF).

Of the many global duties and initiatives being developed by IAF licensees, the major milestone for them, is to establish World Championships in their respective discipline to be staged once every two years.

IAF Licensee(s)

What is an IAF Licensee? There are 29 International ArtsGames Federations licenses being issued by the IAC. Each is in various stages of development. Popular licenses are being purchased while other licenses are being evaluated to be financed by the IAC for its first three years of development.

The period of development for each International ArtsGames Federation (AF) pends with the staging of its first World Championships. IAF licensees report to the GAC executive. These reports ensure that all IAFs are integrating the IAC mandate, systems and mission into their programming and ensure the timely development and activation of its license.

There are 30 ArtsGames disciplines of competition but only 29 licensed IAFs. The thirtieth federation, the ArtsGames Cross-Cultural Federation (IACCF) is being managed directly by the IAC. No License will be issued in this category as it is being launched as a television series based on the mission of the IAC: bridging cultural divides through greater cross-cultural understanding.

For more information click at bottom of the page.

Int’l ArtsGames Federation – Selection Process

The International ArtsGames Committee (IAC) is selecting the most qualified licensees to govern International ArtsGames Federations.

Bonnie Dyer, GAC Commissioner

With more than 30 years of arts competition experience, Ms Dyer is leading the IAC Global ArtsGames Commission.

Ms. Dyer brings national and international experience to bear on the GAC as the President of Team Canada Dance and the Vice President of New Ventures of the International Dance Organization.

The International Dance Organization is an official, independent, politically neutral, non-profit, world dance and dance sport federation, registered in Slagelse, Denmark, for Performing Arts, Street Dance/Urban and Couple Dances.

Outlining the IAF Selection Process

The selection process for International ArtsGames Federations is a rigorous and thorough one.

Establishing a Short List

The Commissioner is working with the IAC Executive Board to vet a short list of negotiated federation licensees.

Choosing the Most Qualified

After careful consideration and evaluation, the most qualified International ArtsGames Federations Licensees will be selected and funded to launch the respective awarded IAF.

World Championships

Working with established existing arts competitions, each licensee of an IAF will stage World Championships to showcase the excellence in their respective disciplines and cultures, while respecting the values of the IAC.

Mission of the IAC

The IAC is committed to promoting cross-cultural understanding and excellence on a global stage through the ArtsGames Movement.

Meet the GAC Commissioner and IAC Executive Board

Get to know the members who oversee the International ArtsGames Committee.

Sylvia Sweeney

IAC President

Bonnie Dyer

GAC Commissioner

Khephra Burns

IAC Senior Producer

Xin Li

IAC Comptroller

Chad Wolfond

IAC Executive Board Member