National ArtsGames® Federations (NAF)s

Olympians and Artists for the Betterment of Humanity

National ArtsGames Federations (NAF)s

Welcome to a new era for arts competitions, administration and funding. IAFs issue NAF licenses in every country. NAFs play an important role in the infrastructure of the discipline, as they support existing arts organizations and competitions. All queries pertaining to NAF licenses must be directed to the respective IAF.

The Measurement of success

National ArtsGames Federation license holders are aggregators of organizations and competitions that are approved by their respective IAF. This may qualify existing arts organizations and competitions to receive funding and support for their discipline. 

The IAC is sanctioning 29 National ArtsGames Federations (NAFs) per country however, the 30th federation, the Cross-Cultural Federation, is being managed directly by the IAC.

The ArtsGames Movement is developing over 5,600 National ArtsGames Federations.

Dr. Bowie Sonnie Bowei, Secretary General 
International ArtsGames Percussion Federation (IAPF)



This one of the thirty
Int’l ArtsGames Federations (IAF)s

Importance of NAFs adherence to IAF Regulations

As an NAF Licensee it is important to understand the mission of the ArtsGames. The NAFs are the boots-on-the-ground members of the ArtsGames Movement. Once granted a license, license holders will uphold terms and conditions of the license agreement.

The benefits for NAF license holders are outlined in contracted license agreements. These licenses are being issued to corporations, individuals and not-for-profit organizations that meet the selection criteria of the respective IAF that oversees the discipline.

Supporting organizations in your country is an NAF’s most important success indicator.

Proper record keeping and communication management are essential for a successful NAF registration process.

NAF Administration

Managing Stakeholders

Unlike national sports federations, National ArtsGames Federations are focused on sponsorship and fundraising for existing arts organizations. The administration of these activities involves monitoring of communication between the regulatory board (GAC) and stakeholders.

An important stakeholder for all NAFs is the government in its jurisdiction. A National ArtsGames Committee is being established in every country to present a unified line of communications with governments.

Delivering Reports to IAF

There are 29 NAFs in every country. Activity reports to their respective IAFs assists in monitoring and improving on the services the NAF are supplying for various disciplines and in various territories. These reports are submitted on a quarterly basis.

Important Features for National ArtsGames Federations (NAF)

Find out what important features the National ArtsGames Federations should have in order to be successful.

Compliant with Government Regulations

NAFs must adhere to all government laws and procedures when registering to ensure they are fully compliant.

Effective Management of Relationships

Track and manage relationships with existing organizations, sponsors, and the government to ensure smooth operation.

Efficient Management of Volunteers and Workers

Ensure efficient management of internal volunteers and contract workers to maintain the NAF’s operations and success.

Accurate and Timely Report Delivery

Deliver reports to the International ArtsGames Committee in a timely and accurate manner for effective decision-making.

Becoming a National ArtGames Committee Licensee

Corporations, individuals and/or non-profit organizations are eligible for consideration as licensees, once an IAF has been established in the discipline of interest.

Queries at the NAF level will be answered by the governeing IAF once the IAF is activated