ArtsGames Volunteers

"Olympians and Artists for the Betterment of Humanity"

Volunteers are awesome!

An introduction to Volunteering

Volunteers are the backbone of any Global Games competitions.

Fill out a Form

Tell us about your interests and expertise.

Follow Up

We will contact you over the next year with steps to join the movement.

Stay Connected

We are committed to creating a sustainable initiative for our volunteers.

Join Our Community

Become a part of the ArtsGames Movement and make a difference.

There are volunteer opportunities for various stages of the development of ArtsGames activities. You can participate and assist us in our effort to bridge cultural divides.

These are the disciplines of competitions. Each is governed by an International ArtsGames Federation.

Steps to Becoming a Volunteer

Joining the ArtsGames movement is easy and fulfilling.

Fill Out Our Interest Form

Tell us about your interests and expertise so we can match you with the perfect role.

Attend Upcoming webinars

Learn about the ArtsGames values, goals and expectations for volunteers.

Complete Required Training

There are opportunities for volunteers to change that status if inspired to work for the organization. Employment opportunities will be posted and training will be required through web seminars and testing.

You will be notified on this page when these opportunities arise. this is where you will gain the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute to the success of ArtsGames events.

Join the Movement

Experience the joy of volunteering and making a positive impact on the arts community.

Learn about the benefits of volunteering for the ArtsGames.

Get involved and make a difference in the global arts community.

Give back to the arts community

Bridge Cultural Divides

Build connections and gain Global Opportunities

Make a lasting impact

Sign up now to learn more.

Don’t miss your chance. Satisfy your cultural curiousities through first hand experiences and exchange.